Sunday, October 26, 2008

Hey Baby

It's funny when you think you have carte blanche to whine about how crappy your life is that you find out that someone else has more probs than you do. My friend who has copious health problems was back in the hospital this weekend. Gee. I am not above not putting it into perspective, but you sure have to feel sorry for the guy.

My prayers go out. keep me in yours.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Questions from the Garden of Life

It never stops..

Don't exactly remember that last communication. I think you know that I moved back to LA. What a great day to be rid of that chapter. I am in a Technology Magnet HS teaching English. We start next week. I could be more excited if we had textbooks or if my room was Novell login, no Bb login, etc., small things, but big things to me that will keep me working to catch up. I went bact to TH last week to get the last of my things out (Katrina-sogged papers that I didn't want to take to Baton rouge, almost full circle), clean it out, etc. We had training from Memorial Day (Tu) thru July 11, so I've only had about 2 weeks off. And of course, that does not include the "manadatory" teacher orientation, which we were not paid for. Yippee. I should settle down in about Nov. ... the weather is laser-burning hot here. It's been over 90 degrees since we moved here on May 19. My mom is doing well. She doesn't want to go out in the heat yet. Hope all is well with you and yours. I'd like to collaborate if by chance you know of anyone who wants to do with some inner city kids in the south. I am teaching English 9.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008