Tuesday, December 06, 2005

News from LA Roots

N A T I O N A L I S S U E S:

Let's FLOOD WASHINGTON - Demand a Commitment to Louisiana's Coast andCommunities with the Gulf Restoration Network's quick link petition

An excerpt from Aaron Viles' message "New Orleans and South Louisiana must haveCategory 5 hurricane protection. This protection must integrate an effectivelevee system with marsh restoration and protection of coastal forests (that arethe first buffer from storms' impact). If businesses are to have the confidenceneeded to return and revitalize the city that gave the world Louis Armstrong,seafood gumbo, and America's best Mardi Gras, we must give New Orleans theprotection it deserves." http://healthygulf.org


GOVERNMENT ENGINEERS CONFIRM the findings of LSU Team Louisiana engineersshowing that the 17th Street Canal levee pilings were "short-sheeted" - drivendown only 10 ft below sea level, instead of the 17.5 ft that the Army Corpsdesigns required. The Corps has not been able to explain the difference betweentheir levee designs and the levee construction. Team Louisiana engineers notethat even a depth of 17.5 ft would have proven inadequate, since the canalbottom is 18.5 ft and basic engineering principles dictate driving the pilingsdeeper than the canal bottom. While private engineering firms also participatedin construction studies, the Army Corps has oversight and bears ultimateresponsibility.Neither the design of the levees or their construction met the HurricaneCategory 3 protection that American citizens paid for and were promised.

American Red Cross estimates 250,000+ homes were lost from Hurricane Katrina,but 100,000 families lost homes, neighborhoods, playgrounds, schools, churches,and businesses, not from Hurricane Katrina, but from the Katrina Disaster causedby bureaucratic and corporate bungling, at the least.


DNC Chairman Howard Dean issued the following statement and revealed hisunderstanding of the challenges we face: "...I am pleased to announce theDemocratic Party's small effort to help rebuild New Orleans and the Gulf Coastregion. I look forward to joining Democrats from all across the country in arevitalized New Orleans for the 2006 DNC Spring Meeting."Democrats are committed to rebuilding the Gulf Coast, and to rebuildingAmerica's sense of community. Our nation was founded on the notion that we havea responsibility to each other, a shared investment in one another and thebelief that we should leave no one behind. The American people are heroes forcoming together the way they did after Hurricane Katrina, and beingextraordinarily generous in a time of crisis. We are honored to be a part ofthat. Together, America can do better."This Spring Meeting in New Orleans will be held April 20-22, 2006 at theSheraton, overlooking the Mississippi River. It is the first to be held outsideof Washington DC and is the first convention in the City since the KatrinaDisaster. Announcement of the DNC Meeting heralds the rebirth of New Orleanstourism. Visit www.democrats.org and read how the DNC is involved in focusing national attention on the KatrinaDisaster.

LOUISIANA-to-the-NATION letter-writing campaign hit a high note in TheWashington Post's publication of "Do Not Forsake Us," from Times-Picayune editor, Jim Amoss,http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/11/25/AR2005112500963_pf.htmlPlease continue to send letters to newspapers and influential Congressionalleaders. For committee members contact information www.LaRoots.net/picayune_editorial.htm

R E G I O N A L I S S U E S:
EDUCATION PROGRESS: NOCCA/Riverfront is currently looking for new students for the spring semester,beginning in January. High school students who are interested in auditioningfor the spring semester (January 9 - May 12) are asked to bring a completedapplication to Metairie Academy for Advanced Studies, 201 Metairie Road,Saturday, December 10 or January 7 at 1 pm. NOCCA/Riverfront faculty willaudition students for dance, media arts, music, theatre arts, visual arts andcreative arts programs, and walk-in applicants are welcome at the MetairieAcademy audition site. Applications are available via the website or can befilled out before auditioning. Interested parties are encouraged to monitorwww.nocca.com for information. Understanding that the process of repairing andupdating NOCCA/Riverfront's current facilities will take some time, the facultywill offer arts instruction at various satellite sites in Greater New Orleans. Please contact Communications Coordinator Brian Hammell 225-342-8209 or504-473-4047 (cell) (NOCCA/Riverfront accepts students from across LA)

Excerpts from a message by Baton Rouge activist Barbara Nielsen...For many NewOrleans residents, "Home for the Holidays" means ripping out buckled wallboard,pulling up moldy carpet, and sifting through ruined belongings. Theseheartbreaking tasks can be overwhelming, especially with Christmas approaching.That's why, in the spirit of giving, we're organizing logistics for "Democratsin Blue Jeans" (because) just this past week residents were finally allowed toreturn to their flooded homes...Mid-City needs YOU to be its Christmas gift this year. The neighborhood'sfamilies are in the early stages of dealing with their loss and they needhelping hands and the knowledge that someone cares.If you can spare a few hours, a day, or several days to help with lightcarpentry, painting, hauling trash, cleaning yards or even just using your phoneand electricity to contact Entergy and Bell South on their behalf. Tell us whatyou know how to do. Whatever it is, it will make the perfect gift for someone inMid-City.Working together we will help others and remind ourselves of what is truly meansto be a Democrat.

G R E A T E R N E W O R L E A N S:
RECYCLING:PAINT & CLEANING SUPPIES: The EPA requests that residents put paint andcleaning materials out for weekly curbside pickup, separated from householdgarbage and construction debris, or drop it off this weekend only, Saturday andSunday, 9am-3pm at Samuel Square on the corner of Napoleon and South Salcedo,Broadmoor neighborhood.

ELECTRONICS & COMPUTERS: Ruined electronics are being collected this Saturday(only) at the Pontchartrain Center in Kenner from 9am-3pm.BEWARE:Architectural theft is occurring in damaged neighborhoods, particularly HolyCross. Flooded homes are being stripped of cypress windows, cornices, and otherarchitectural accouterments. Please be aware of this black market when shoppingfor renovation and rebuilding materials. Board-up and monitor vacant propertyand report all incidents of looting to police district commander and appropriatecity councilperson.

MID-CITY NEIGHBORHOOD ORGANIZATION is sponsoring a party on Saturday, December 3from 2:00pm to 5:00pm at Mid-City Lanes Rock and Bowl. Residents andneighborhood business owners are invited to an afternoon of music, refreshments,fun and friendship. Artist Linda Berman has created an original piece to beraffled to benefit area artists and musicians. Contact Email:administration@mcno.org

GENTILLY CLEAN-UP: Saturday Dec 3 8am-Noon, Meet at Chapel of the HolyComforter, 2200 Lakeshore Drive. Call Dr. Vera Triplett 504-919-0451, CouncilDistrict D office 504-658-1040 orhttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/gentilly_after_katrina/

PONTCHARTRAIN PARK MEETING: "Residential Aim to Rebuild" Saturday Dec.3 11amCity Council Chambers. Pre-submit questions by emailing Councilwoman CynthiaMorrell's office at ptriley@cityofno.com

MARDI GRAS SCHEDULE 2006:Mardi Gras in New Orleans will have parades on the St Charles Avenue routebeginning February 18 and 19 (the first weekend) and resuming on February 23rd,continuing through Tuesday February 28th - with all usual festivities, includingthe 29th Annual Noon March through the French Quarter of the Krewe of KosmicDebris. A quick search on Hotels.com revealed hotel room availabilitybeginning at $123 per night for the first weekend. Make plans now toparticipate in the 150th Anniversary of Mardi Gras in New Orleans. A new season kick-off is THE QUEENS' PARTY on January 7th (the day after AllKings' Day) which will take place at The Maple Leaf, featuring the music ofJohnny Sketch and the Dirty Notes. The joyous Queens attending include reigningsovereigns from Krewe of Dreux, Krewe of Oak, Krewe of MOMS and Krewe of KosmicDebris and invite loyal subjects and Mardi Gras celebrants to this seasonkick-off, costumes preferred, naturally.

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