Thursday, May 12, 2005


Education: Ed.D., Educational Leadership, Learning, & Service, Cardinal Stritch University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Distance Education Administrator Certificate Program, West Georgia UniversityM.A., Communication, (theory & mass communication), University of Wisconsin- Stevens Point, B.S., Radio-TV-Film major, English minor, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh.
Written works:

Professional Employment Experiences:
Executive Director, New Orleans Educational Telecommunications Consortium, Inc. (NOETC), Presently employed. Responsible for day-to-day management of a nonprofit telecommunications consortium including securing external funding to advance technology integration for its member institutions, budgeting, and staff leadership. Also responsible for the integrity, security and fiscal stability of the organization, implementing new services (video bridge and media streaming) and to respond to the needs of its members.
School Instructional Technology Specialist & General Manager (WYMS-FM) for Milwaukee Public Schools, Department of Technology,
Leadership/Administration position integrating public radio, community access television, and closed circuit television for the learning community and outreach to the broader community. Oversee all business and operations activities including radio reading service, logistics, planning, budgets, training, supervision of support staff and students, performing some production work (Cool Edit) and Automation (BSI) scheduling, completing and submitting FCC and CPB criteria/communication, programming, etc. Other duties include managing applicable grants, collaborating partnerships, overseeing courses and policies, and technical involvement of every component of 55 video conferencing sites, 120 Instructional Television Fixed Service (“closed circuit”) sites (KHF-80), radio, satellite, and educational PEG access TV channel (80,000 households) Media convergence project integrating FM, IP video, cable, ITFS and web-course management tool (Prometheus).

Distance Education Manager for the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Department of Distance Learning & Instructional Support, Division of Outreach & Continuing Education. Duties included: Responsible for daily operations of distance learning programs, individual training & workshops to faculty on distance learning technologies. Initiate, consult, design, & coordinate faculty/staff development programs in technology use and integration of technology into the curriculum. Support staff liaison. Assessment of curriculum & performance. Budgets, negotiations, and other administrative duties including scheduling, supervising support staff, statistical analysis, coordination, development, and monitoring of course delivery. Specializing in distance learning technologies (synchronous & asynchronous) & audiovisual management. Video conferencing, satellite coordination, web-course management, etc.

Instructional Technology Specialist for Columbus State University in Columbus, GA, Department of Instructional Technology/Media Services, Simon Schwob Memorial Library,
Duties included: Coordinated & facilitated instructor technical training programs. Specialized in video production & distance learning technologies. Designed and conducted faculty and staff development seminars dealing with instructional technology (distance education) applications. Initiated and supported faculty instructional development activities. Consulted with faculty on instructional technology curriculum projects, managed project activities, & assessment of performance. Assisted faculty in developing course materials for distance delivery. Consulted and assisted in equipment and room design for technology classrooms. Supervised support staff. ALS (satellite) coordinator.

Marketing Coordinator for JHL Mail Marketing, Inc. in Stevens Point, WI, Duties included: Coordinated internal & external direct mail marketing campaigns. Writing Project. Created & designed company documents.

Senior Studio Manager for Lifetouch Portrait Studios in Milwaukee for a Minneapolis-based firm, Simultaneously managed all aspects of $1.4 million annual sales of 2 retail portrait studios.

Teaching Experience: Adjunct Communication Instructor for Mid-State Technical College in Stevens Point, WI, 1994-1995 Curriculum updated, implemented, & assessed in the following courses: Oral (Public Speaking) & Interpersonal Communication and Occupational Communication.

Communication Instructor- for Mid-State Technical College, Curriculum updated, implemented, & assessed in the following courses: Oral & Interpersonal Communication, Written Communication, Business Communication: Speaking & Writing, Business Communication: Grammar & Punctuation, and Occupational (Basic) Communication.

Adjunct Communication Instructor for Northcentral Technical College in Wausau, WI, 1994 Curriculum updated, implemented, & assessed in the following courses: Oral & Interpersonal Communication and Fundamentals of Speech

Employment while in Graduate School (M.A.): Television Production Assistant and Playback Technician for City of Stevens Point Telecommunications Dept. & Community Access Television in Stevens Point, WI, 1994-1995 Pre- & post-TV production for educational & governmental programming.

Control Board Operator for WSAU-AM in Wausau, WI, 1992 Announced & monitored control room board.
Licenses and Certifications: FCC Restricted, WI Technical College System (VTAE)