Friday, September 30, 2005

still looking

Everyone has been really great contributing money, time, and items:

Many thanks to Jim Young & Ewa Barczyk

We are still need of an iron, ironing board, and coffee grinder

Wednesday, September 28, 2005


Address is C/O Dave Janzer 10010 W Schlinger Ave Milwaukee WI 53214

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Quotes from a friend

Pain nourishes courage. You can't be brave if you've only had wonderful things happen to you.-

Mary Tyler Moore

Luck is a dividend of sweat. The more you sweat, the luckier you get.

-Ray Kroc

All beginnings require that you unlock a new door.-Rabbi Nachman of Bratslav

He who loses wealth loses much; he who loses a friend loses more; but he who loses his courage loses all.-Miguel de Cervantes

Monday, September 26, 2005


This is not only a "low income black people" hurricane. There are about 1.1 million people in the metro New Orleans area. Many like me, loaded up their vehicles and drove into the contraflow, an eerie and haunting visual. I drove to my support system, family and friends, in Wisconsin. We loaded up our cars with our belongings and have been loading up our credit cards ever since. Many are going through their life savings while they wait to return.

It's not a black/white issue completely; it's not that only the white folk got out, but it is probably one of economics. One of my points is that if you do the math around the demographics for the city of New Orleans you will find a solid middle class of African-Americans. There are black attorneys and judges, presidents of universities, and successful blacks at every level and occupation in the city. (Let's try to do the math: if 70% of the population is African American and about 28% of the city is at poverty level that does not equate to all African Americans being poor.)

For some reason, this is hard for some Midwesterners to understand. I'm sure this entire ordeal is hard for those outside the region to comprehend, I was even convinced that I'd have something (I lost EVERYTHING that I didn't bring here with me). I'm tired of flippant comments who don't want to understand a very old city with very old problems. I am not writing to tell my story; there are 1.1 million stories out there although I do wonder why I haven't heard more of those stories. I am writing because I'm tired of of the misconceptions. Sure, in about a year or so from now, people in my class structure--black and white-- will be fueling their SUVs and probably get back to some sort of normalcy. Right now, however, that seems like a very, very long time from now.

Saturday, September 24, 2005


We are on our way back to Wisconsin today (Saturday). We left on Thursday, so we've been through a lot in a few days. We stopped over night in Memphis. It was a hard trip on many levels. The weather was bad and I lost most of everything.

I'll write the details later this week, but I wanted to update you.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Many thanks and other things

Sorry it's been awhile since I have written. I have limited access to the Internet these days, so this a real treat to be able to type!

First of all, many thanks to those who have stepped up to the plate for me. Amazement, relief, and joy doesn't begin to express my feelings toward strangers and friends who have helped me.

I also appreciate the phone calls. If you know my mom, she'd love to hear from you. As you can imagine, this is a relatively traumatic event for someone who is 86. She's doing a valient effort of keeping it together although, honestly, we've both had more than a few meltdowns.

Before I forget, here are some MORE people I need to thank:

Carol Hale
Cobbie Behrend
David Stack
Scott Temperly
Catherine Kearn
Patricia Hicks
Linda Czernicki
St. Vincent Depaul Society (Dr. Kearn's chapter)
Slinger School District (again!)
South Div. High School

My apologies if I have left you off the list.

And the answer to the big question: We are going down to Louisiana this week.

Again, thank you for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

kind of a rough way to come home

We are now two weeks after katrina. I went to the Red Cross last week, which was suprisingly dignified. For those of you who have asked how we are holding up, well, we have good days and bad days. The day we found out we got hit and maybe looted was a bad day.

More thanks:
Cobbie Berhand, Red Cross, UWM

It sounds like we can get our stuff about the last week of Sept/early Oct.

Every day is fluid.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

what we need two weeks out

Does anyone have connection to Uhaul or Penske? I want to get my stuff out of Metairie ASAP. This is probably about 2-3 weeks away.

Also, if jobs aren't available, perhaps there is a volunteer opportunity for me to retain or gather new strenghs.



Wednesday, September 07, 2005

We took water

A week and a half after Katrina hit, we are still safe. We didn’t have email for about three days, but we are up and running and couldn’t be more thrilled to be here.

Here’s the update: We pretty much lost everything. Well, I’m not sure what happens to furniture that stands underwater for days, but everything else is wet or not of any use. We have dead fish in our apartment, mold on the walls, yuck.

Here are our immediate needs:

oil change,
gas cards,
canned food,
diet soda,
bottled water,
dog treats,
and dog “housekeeping” pads.

If you are creative, feel free to add. I just can't think anymore. I'm going to the Red Cross today. Better days are coming.

Many thanks to Chris Marshall, Carol Hale, Catherine Kearn, Ed Morrison, and the Slinger School District.

Address is 10010 W Schlinger Ave
C/O Dave Janzer
Milwaukee WI 53214

Sunday, September 04, 2005


Diatribes started because of my lack of understanding of the whole evacuation thing. It's been way too bizarre of a ride, kinda like seeing the boys dressed like girls on the far side of Bourbon St. and pretending that you are too jaded to turn around and stare although that's all you REALLY want to do. You can SEE the Adam's apple! And they are way too hairy and square to be even European.

To get some background, please try the Oct. 2004 missive in the archive.

Evacuating three times in 1.5 years is too much for this dairy princess. Hey refer my CV to your boss!


From the satellite photos and the reports I can gather, it looks like we took a minimum of damage. In relative terms that probably means about 2 -3 feet, which would be much better than underwater!

This means I lost most of my soft goods and all my pet stuff, books, pictures, photos, my Canon GLX digital camcorder (not that I'm bitter that I forgot to move it), all my shoes (sob! my shoes!), dog medicine, etc.

Anyhoo...we did rather well. Now comes the dreaded "go down and access it phase." Anybody got a gun? There is a brief window to go down there and "git yer stuff."

So...anybody have off this week? Interested in a little adventure? Got some extra gas and a big truck?

I have no earthly idea what I will do. Ideas are always appreciated...

New Phone Number

As of Monday, Sept. 5, 2005 our new (temporary) phone number is


Saturday, September 03, 2005

Things to consider PT III

I hope you don't think I am too flippant. I am just SOOOOO happy to be out and to be safe. There is a sense of disconnect. Therefore, it's easier to assume the best!

A few points of interest for those who aren't familiar with the underpinning of the area:
1. This is NOT Mayor Nagin's fault.
2. Those of means got out; those without did not.
3. Your assumption of the lack of response because of racism would be more true than not.
4. When you see the I-10 staging area on the news (Metairie) they are showing my exit to my apt. If I were standing on the Interstate for five days, you can bet I'd go into the neighborhoods and forage for food.

Write somebody. Let them know that this isn't the way to handle things, that Americans should never be treated this way, that the victims that have been abandoned pay taxes and fully participate in the American process. This is an embarrassment to all we purport to be.

There are thousands of people like me, that had the means to abandon their homes and lifestyles. The middle class can only assume that in a year we will be in a better place, resilient, and moving forward. I shudder to think what will be the disposition of the people that have been left behind.

Friday, September 02, 2005

things to consider Pt II

Next week we will probably move out of my dear friend's home in Chicago. I think putting up with us for a week qualifies him for sainthood! We should have a semblance of normalcy by the end of next week. I will post a mailing address and probably a phone number. I have to get a cell phone that works...mine has a New Orleans area code. I also need to find my health insurance and get an address change card in place. I must be giving people the wrong phone number here in Chicago. Phone calls are very important: 708-488-1235.

Many very kind people have asked how they can help. I really, really appreciate it. Instead of telling you what size underwear to send...ugh! I don't even want to think about it. Instead, perhaps you might consider those little gift know $5 gift cards from Target kind of thing. Am I too tacky? I stupidly took two bad pair of pants (you know, I had a lot of clothes, so I could have just been smarter). One pair is worn out, could I be more brilliant!

Right now what I need is a way to communicate...cell phone, Internet connection, etc. If you have those types of services at your fingers, I would be so thrilled.

Next time, I want to tell you about the contraflow...something I've never experienced.


Things to consider

We were very lucky. We made it out 24 hours before Katrina hit. Unfortunately, we made it out with about 4 days of clothes, provisions, etc. The media and the city, parish, state ALWAYS tell you to take enough for 4 days. I brought my travel case in fact. We left everything else, from the beautiful marble tables of my grandmother to a brand new TV. Thank God I just had my contact perscription renewed!

Please consider calling my mom, she feels disenfranchised and loves to talk! This would be the biggest gift to me!

Seriously, whatever you can think of is greatly appreciated. If we can't use it, I'd guess my coworker and his extended family (about 10 people) could. Big Cute clothes appreciated. 8-) Please gather up and I will let you know how to proceed.

I worked 1-2 blocks away from the Convention Center. I ate lunch at the Riverwalk. It's now filled with people sufferering, hot and without dignity, dieing, rotting. my thoughts, my prayers are with the city of NOLA.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

We've got phones!

As we sit here wondering what to do, we'd love to hear a familiar voice. It might be very comforting. Send an email to me and I will give you the latest phone number. I don't want to put it here or send it out as a mass email. or

Thanks to all those who responded.
